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The School Day

The School Day is from 9.45 to 3.15.

Gates open at 8.30 to allow time for children to come into school and settle to a quiet morning task.

We have Collective Worship from 8.55 to 9.10 Monday to Thursday, followed by a 5-minute run. 

On Friday, we have a Celebration Collective Worship at 2.45 which parents are invited to attend. Classes take it in turns to lead this.

Children in Reception to Year 4 have phonics/spelling each day after the run.

Break is from 10.30 to 10.45. Children in Reception and Key Stage 1 are provided with a fruit or vegetable snack. Other children may bring in a fruit or vegetable snack to have during  this break.

Lunch is at 12.00 and is followed by playtime outside until 12.55.

School ends at 3.15 and children are brought out onto the playground by a member of staff to be dismissed.

Children who are catching the bus home are registered and taken to the bus by a member of staff.

Unless we have written permission from a parent/carer, children will not be allowed to leave school on their own.

Further information about a typical day in each class can be found on our class pages under 'learning'.