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Pavo - Year 2

Welcome to Pavo!

Our teachers are Mrs Morgan, Mrs Mallinson and Mrs McQue.

Mrs Morgan teaches us  Monday-Tuesday Mornings, Mrs Mallinson teaches us Wednesday-Friday Mornings. 

Mrs McQue teaches us in the afternoon, supported by Mrs Alexander or Mrs Chessall.

Term 3 and 4 Topic Map

A typical day in Pavo 

8.45 Morning Task

8.50 Collective Worship

9.10 Run

9.20 Letters and Sounds

9.50 Continuous Provision

10.00 Maths

10.30 Break

10.45 English

11.15 Continuous Provision

11.30 Reading Groups and Continuous Provision

12.00 Lunch

1.00 Mini-Maths (Fluency session)

1.30 Continuous Provision

1.45 Topic Input

2.00 Continuous Provision and Group Teaching

2.45 Tidy-up

3.00 Story

3.15 Home

We have PE at the Village Hall on a Wednesday and our Outdoor Learning session is on a Friday morning. Once a term we lead Collective worship on a Friday at 2.45.

If you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to message us directly on Class Dojo or via Ruthie in the office: