Clubs and Enrichment
Each year children at Kennet Valley have the opportunity to take part in a range of extra-curricular activities.
Clubs and Enrichment 2024-2025
Clubs and Enrichment so far this year...
- KS2 Basketball
- KS1 Football
- KS2 Football
- KS2 Hockey
- Christmas Singing Group
- Cooking
- Calm Kids
- Craft Club
- Art
- PGL Osmington Bay5 day Residential (Y5/6)
- Charterhouse 3 day Residential (Y3/4)
- Marlborough Literary Festival (Y5/6)
- Wilton Windmill (YR-2)
Whole School Experiences
- Harvest Festival
- Macmillan Coffee Morning
- Children in Need visit from Pudsey Bear
- Visit to the Cinema
- Wassail
- Talent Show
Sports Competitions
- Dodgeball (Y3/4)
- Multi-skills (Y2)
- Thinking Music (Y3/4)
- Drumming Demonstration
- Bikeability (Y6)
Regular Enrichment
- Outdoor Learning at the Dene, in West Woods and by the River Kennet (Reception to Y6)
- Varied Speakers for Collective Worship
- Performances (EYFS/KS1 Nativity, KS2 Carol Concert)
- Community Tea run by Y5/6 pupils
Clubs and Enrichment 2023-2024
- Gardening,
- Choir,
- KS1 Multi-Sports,
- KS2 Netball,
- KS2 Hockey,
- KS2 Football,
- KS2 Cricket,
- Whole School Rounders,
- British Sign Language,
- Task Master,
- Cooking,
- Yoga,
- Calm Kids,
- Bootcamp,
- Art
- Marlborough Literary Festival (Y5/6)
- Marlborough College Chemistry Demonstration (Y6)
- Farmer Marks Pumpkin Patch (Reception and Y1)
- Marlborough Town Visit (Reception and Y1)
- Marlborough College Science Department (Reception and Y1)
- Orchard Visits (Reception to Y6 from January to July)
- SS Great Britain (Reception to Y5)
- Fairford Air Show (Y6)
Whole School Experiences
- Harvest Festival
- Macmillan Coffee Morning
- Children in Need
- Visit to the Pantomime
- Wassail
- Wellbeing Day
- World Book Day
- Red Nose Day
- Easter Church Service
- Gospel Workshops
- River School
- Leaver's Service at Fyfield Church
Sports Competitions
- Dodgeball (Y5/6)
- Football (Y5/6)
- Multi-skills (Y2/3)
- Netball (Y5/6)
- Multi-Skills (Y1/2)
- Hockey (Y5/6)
- Tag-Rugby (Y5/6)
- Cricket (Y3/4)
- Athletics (Y3/4)
- Rounders (Y6)
- SWIFT team to talk about online safety to Y5/6 and parents
- Thinking Music (Y4/5)
- Members of the BBC Symphony Orchestra (Y6)
- Talk about Islam (Y6)
- Bikeability (Y6)
- Talk about living in the Antarctic (Y6)
- Talk about running a business (Y6)
- ARK (Reception to Y5)
Regular Enrichment
- Outdoor Learning at the Dene, in West Woods and by the River Kennet (Reception to Y5)
- Varied Speakers for Collective Worship
- Performances ( EYFS/KS1 Nativity, KS2 Carol Concert, KS2 Leavers' Play)
- Toddler Group
- Community Tea run by Y6.