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At Kennet Valley C of E VA Primary School, we believe that all children should have the opportunity to develop their full potential in all subject areas.  All children have the right to a broad and balanced curriculum, including extracurricular activities, and full access to the National Curriculum.

Kennet Valley’s approach to SEND is to ensure that all children within the school achieve well and thrive. All adults understand that they have a responsibility for every child, their learning and progress.

We value inclusion, removing barriers to learning and improving outcomes for children with SEND. We ensure that all children are respected, and their self-esteem promoted throughout their time at the school. Staff and parents work in close partnership to support children's learning.  Kennet Valley aims to provide high quality SEND provision through early identification and a close working relationship with specialist support services.

Our SENDCo (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator) is Mrs Lisa Morgan ( Our Governor with responsibility for SEND is Mrs Anastasia Beverley (