School governing bodies are now encouraged to produce an annual statement for parents and all other stakeholders connected to their school. Whilst this is not yet a statutory requirement, it is considered to be good practice and provides some insight into the role of the Governing Body. Please find attached below the Annual Reports produced by The Governing Body of The Kennet Valley Church of England (VA) Primary School.
- Provide a link between the Governing Body and Teacher
- Provide a link between the Governing Body/School and Parents/Community
- Promote the interests of the subject
- Undertake relevant training/development
- Liaise regularly with relevant teachers
- Find out about local activity and develop ‘networks’ with neighbouring governing bodies
- Visits classrooms to see the subject being taught
- Monitor/evaluate the provision and use of relevant resources.
If you would like to get in touch with us, please contact the school office or email to for our Clerk, Laurien Carter’s contact details. She will forward all correspondence to the relevant Governor.